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List of Publications from the Ban Lab

The Group

Nomenclature for Ribosomal Proteins

Regulation of translation by SARS-CoV-2 Nsp1

Universal features of Nsp1-mediated translational shutdown by coronaviruses

Universal features of Nsp1-mediated translational shutdown by coronaviruses. Schubert et al., external page Molecular Cell, October 2023

Protein synthesis on the ER membrane

Molecular basis of the TRAP complex function in ER protein biogenesis. Jaskolowski et al., external page NSMB, May 2023

Translation termination in mitochondria

Molecular basis of translation termination at noncanonical stop codons in human mitochondria. Saurer et al., external page Science, May 2023

Mitochondrial ribosomal large subunit assembly

Stepwise maturation of the peptidyl transferase region of human mitoribosomes. Lenarčič, Jaskolowski et al., external page Nature Communications, June 2021

Maturation of mitochondrial ribosomes in trypanosomes

Mitoribosomal small subunit maturation involves formation of initiation-like complexes. Lenarčič, Niemann et al., external page PNAS, January 2022

Programmed ribosomal frameshifting of SARS-CoV-2

Structural basis of ribosomal frameshifting during translation of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome. Bhatt, Scaiola et al., external page Science, June 2021

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