Large Assemblies

Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR)

mTOR is a protein kinase forming the multi-subunit complexes mTORC1 and mTORC2, which regulate cell growth, proliferation, protein synthesis and other central cellular processes. To better understand mTOR signalling, we determined the structure of mTORC1.

Multifunctional Fatty Acid Synthases

In mammals, fungi and some bacteria, fatty acid synthases are large multifunctional enzymes. They catalyze the synthesis of fatty acids in a cyclic reaction by elongation of the growing fatty acid in two-carbon steps.  

Capsids and Pore-forming Toxins

In collaboration with other groups, we have been studying the structure of natural and bio-engineered encapsulation systems and pore-forming toxins using X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy.

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